Poulin Grain Sale
Friday Nov. 29th and Sat. Nov. 30th
$2.00 off per bag/ no limit
- Stovepipe
- Firebrick
- Winter Boots, Hats, Gloves for all ages
- HI-VIS and Orange Clothing for You and Your Dog
- Ice Melt, Shovels
- Critter Control - Mouse & Chipmunk Traps, Poisons & Repellents
New Fall CARHARTT is Here!-Men, Women and Kids
Don't forget Toys & Treats for your pets and anything you might want for other critters. We've got it! Stop in today - We're open 6 days a week!
Check FACEBOOK regularly for Updates & Deals!
Gateway Farm & Pet is located on US Rt. 20, just east of the center of Huntington. From points east, travel Rt. 20 about a ½ mile past the Russell/Huntington town line. Our store is on the left. From the west, drive Rt. 20 about a ½ mile past the intersection with Rt. 112. You'll see us on the right.