Winter weather is here!
We have a great selection of snow and ice removal tools and products in stock.
Don't forget to stock up on pellets, coal or bio-blocks!
Seasonal Items
Fuel & Wood Pellets
- Coal
- Bio Brick
- Cubex Hardwood
- Energex Hardwood
- Energex Softwood
- Okanagan Softwood
Seasonal - Winter
- Fatwood
- Reflective driveway markers
- Reflective tape
- Posted signs
- Snow fence
- Ice melt
- Tube sand
- Ice scrapers
- Snow shovels
- Hitzer coal stoves
- Furnace filters
- Stove pipe & gaskets
- Boots, Gloves and Hats - kids' to adult sizes
Seasonal - Spring through Fall
- Annuals
- Veggies
- Hanging baskets
- Perennials
- Straw
- Hay – 1st or 2nd cut